LabWorks is CAMC’s outreach laboratory that employs over 80 people including phlebotomists, registration staff and couriers. Its robust courier fleet services over 100 physician offices and multiple hospitals across southern West Virginia, and its phlebotomists staff nine physician offices as well as outpatient collection locations.
As CAMC’s outreach lab program, LabWorks picks up specimens for more than 150,000 patients per year, delivering them to the local CAMC hospitals for processing. These specimens generate over 500,000 test results for the patients and physicians in our communities.
During the pandemic, LabWorks was best known to our community and employees as the main COVID drive through testing site for CAMC, collecting up to 225 nasopharyngeal swabs a day during the peak of the pandemic.
LabWorks also has developed a highly popular Walk-In Wellness Laboratory Menu, which requires no appointments, no physician orders and no insurance billing. These low-cost labs are offered Monday through Friday at four convenient locations: CAMC LabWorks Charleston, Teays Valley Hospital Laboratory, LabWorks at CAMC Cardiology Summersville and CAMC LabWorks Beckley.