The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) has reaccredited the CAMC Institute for Academic Medicine. This accreditation is the gold seal, voluntary, peer driven process the ensures research standards for quality and the protection of research subjects.
“AAHRPP accreditation reassures that the research patients participate in is conducted and adhered to in the highest ethical standards and that their safety and rights are top priority to our organization,” said Dan Lucas, PharmD, Corporate Director, Institute for Academic Medicine’s Clinical Sciences Research. “When patients from our community participate in research here at CAMC, they can be confident that their well-being is safeguarded throughout the process.”
Accreditation benefits not only the participants of research studies, but also the overall quality of the research that comes from CAMC.
Clinical trial sponsors and other funders realize that AAHRPP accredited organizations have more efficient operations in human subjects’ protections processes and often consider accreditation status when choosing investigate sites.
The reaccreditation period happens every five years.