Drs. Stephen Bush, Todd DePond, Karinna Andrews and Emily Montgomery are the only Ob/Gyn’s in West Virginia offering the Sonata® Treatment for women suffering from debilitating symptoms caused by uterine fibroids.

Fibroids are benign growths in or around the uterus that can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and painful periods that interfere with daily activities.

Traditionally, uterine fibroids are treated with hysterectomy (removing the entire uterus) or myomectomy (surgically removing fibroids). Sonata® is a new, less invasive procedure that may be an option for those seeking relief.

Sonata® combines real-time ultrasound imaging with targeted radiofrequency ablation, which treats fibroids inside the uterus with no incisions or scars. One by one, fibroids are targeted and reduced in size, preserving the uterus and providing quick, long-lasting relief. The outpatient procedure may be performed without general anesthesia, and most women return to normal activities the next day.

Listen to Dr. Bush explain more about this new procedure