An image of Dr. David Webb and Amber Bryant.

The Everyday Excellence Heart and Soul award recognizes those who model professionalism, are constantly reliable and consistently provide high quality results and service to customers.

Dr. David Webb, pathologist and lab director for GCMV/PMC and Amber Bryant, lab quality management coordinator, were nominated for their retrieval of irreplaceable specimens for an oncology patient to obtain results.

Specimens, collected on a patient at Plateau Medical Center and in transit, were unable to be located before processing could be completed to determine prognosis, type of cancer and what treatment the patient may endure.

During the investigation of the specimens, Bryant and Dr. Webb went to extreme efforts to track down and locate the missing specimens with multiple different third-party companies. Not only did this require several phone calls, but also stopping a dumpster pickup for the third-party facility.

Once the specimens were located, Dr. Webb drove 45 minutes to retrieve the specimen, ensured they were still viable and then processed them immediately - staying for hours to ensure the patient's pathology report was completed.

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