Photo of Heather Pennington

Heather Pennington is the Associate Administrator for Regulatory Compliance.

Most times, Pennington is the first person to greet state or federal regulators or other surveyors visiting CAMC.

She supports colleagues during surveys and demonstrates dedication and care for the well-being of CAMC and its workforce.

Surveys and investigations can be an intense experience, but Pennington’s calm and composed demeanor immediately puts everyone at ease.

Pennington’s dedication, leadership and unwavering commitment to CAMC’s mission was recently on display at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center.

One Monday morning, when unexpected surveyors arrived at GVMC, Heather didn’t hesitate to jump into her car and drive two hours to be there for the team. She helped turn a potentially stressful situation into a collaborative effort to showcase the best of what GVMC has to offer.

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